Services Update

All of our Sunday and Wednesday services are meeting in person with some additional guidelines. 

SCA Kids Ministries have resumed with additional policies in accordance with health agencies. 

If you have any questions please feel free to contact us. Also, if you are planning to attend, please let us know!

Past SCA Family COVID Updates

Thursday, January 21, 2021


As was announced this past Sunday, January 17, I tested positive for COVID.  While Trisa and I are both symptomatic, we are blessed to not have been severely impacted.  There are a couple of other staff members or staff family members who have also been impacted.  We continue to pray for quick healing for all those who are sick.


While I greatly value every opportunity we have to gather and worship together, I also recognize the importance of using wisdom as we move forward in these unique times.  It’s with this in mind that the leadership team and I have decided to move to live-stream only services for the next two Sundays.  After these two weeks we then plan to resume our in-person gatherings.  The service schedule for the next two weeks will be as follows:


Sunday, January 24 @ 10 AM live-stream only

Wednesday, January 27- no mid-week services

Sunday, January 31 @ 10 AM live-stream only


Times like this are a good reminder to use wisdom in minimizing the spread of germs by following the safety guidelines we have in place for when we do gather.  This includes masking when you are not at your seat, properly washing your hands with soap/water, using the sanitization stations throughout the building, and observing the recommended 6 feet between individuals.


While our method to worship will be different for the next couple of weeks, let’s be intentional to keep our eyes on Jesus!  He is always leading and guiding, and sometimes it takes something out of the ordinary to remind us of that.  Look for ways to deepen your trust in Jesus throughout the week.  I would encourage you in the days leading up to each Sunday to use the comments section on the FB posting of this letter to post Scripture verses for others to read that can be a source of hope, encouragement and comfort.  Just because we aren’t in the same room for a couple of services doesn’t mean we cease to be His Church!  Let’s let Jesus shine brightly through us in every way possible!


Trisa and I, along with the entire leadership team, love you, we’re praying for you, and we look forward to worshipping with you in person in just a couple of weeks!


Many Blessings,

Pastor Steve

Tuesday, December 1, 2020


Dear SCA family and friends,


But the angel said to them, “Do not be afraid.  I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people.  Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord…

Luke 2:10-11


I love the Christmas season.  I love the lights and festivities and so many other things that are a part of our family and church family traditions.  But I love the deeper truth that still holds true even when the lights don’t work (or do, wait…they don’t again), the traditions change, or the holiday season turns out differently than we had pictured.  That truth is what the angels declared to the shepherds on that first Christmas night - the Lord has come!


As we move through the month of December, I want to encourage you to consider being a part of these significant opportunities in the upcoming days:


  •       Mid-week prayer:  December 2nd, 9th, and 16th, from 6-7:15 PM, the sanctuary is open for prayer.  Even if you can’t commit to the entire time, stop in for part of it.  This can be a ‘come and go time’ of prayer, but let’s be intentional about it.  I would love for us to increase our commitment to pray together during the month of December. 

  •       Christmas Miracle Offering: This past March we intended to receive our annual miracle missions offering with the goal of getting our own “home grown” missionaries, Dan and Theresa Wedlake, to the Middle East. That offering was put on hold. Now, let’s use the weeks leading up to Christmas to help get the Wedlakes to the mission field to share the good news of great joy with those who have never heard.  I will share more about this opportunity starting this Sunday.

  •       Christmas Eve Service: Plan now to attend this annual SCA highlight.  The one-hour service starts at 5 PM and will be available to live stream for those who are physically unable to join us.  Candles and communion will be distributed in a COVID friendly manner.

In addition to these great opportunities SCA continues to meet in person on Sundays and Wednesdays for service with recommended guidelines in place. I hope you’ll join us as we celebrate our Lord’s birth together during this Christmas season!


With Love,

Pastor Steve & Trisa

Friday, November 6, 2020


Dear SCA Family and Friends,


One of the reoccurring questions I ask our staff in a variety of ways is “how is your time with Jesus?”  In asking that question, my aim is for each one to examine their time of reading Scripture, prayer, listening for His guiding voice, and sharing Christ.  All these things are part of following Jesus the way He desires for us to follow him.


I would ask you the same question, “how is your time with Jesus?”  Are you daily training your heart to tune out the voices of our culture and tune in to the voice of our Savior?  While the times may be uncertain with the pending election results, the lingering impact of COVID, and a number of other attention-grabbing matters, the voice and guidance of our faithful Savior is constant.  Training your heart to lean into Jesus more is the most important thing we can do.


One of the ongoing realities of our current community situation is the potential increase of local positive COVID tests.  Given the size of the SCA family, I am sure some have already tested positive and walked through the necessary CDC guidelines for quarantining as well as notification of others without any direct impact or notification to the SCA family.  Others have let us know of their positive test, the immediate action they took, and the lack of contact or impact on SCA.  More recently, two individuals in the SCA family tested positive and are currently quarantining in addition to notifying anyone they potentially had lingering contact with.  With each of these scenarios, I am both prayerful and thankful for God’s continued care in the individual’s health as well as God’s continued care, provision and protection for the SCA family and our ongoing gatherings.  If ever we felt the need to notify the SCA family of the immediate impact of a positive test, we would be sure to do so.


We continue to ask that each person do their part in minimizing the spread of germs.  This includes observing our ongoing guidelines of masking when you are not at your seat, properly washing your hands with soap/water, using the sanitization stations throughout the building, and observing the recommended 6 feet between individuals.  Additionally, we give extra care to ensure our facility is properly cleaned and sanitized after each of our gatherings.  These are all wise and practical actions we can take to care for others and care for ourselves.


Our church office continues to remain open, our services, both online and in person, continue to happen, and our Savior continues to guide.  We keep our heart, our mindset, and our actions anchored on Him and how we can best reflect Him in our world.


We love you, we are praying for you, and we look forward to Sunday with you!



Pastor Steve, Trisa and the Leadership Team

Thursday, August 27, 2020


Dear SCA Family and Friends,


Matthew 6:25 records Jesus as saying, “Therefore I tell you, do not worry.…”  Jesus then begins to identify some of the “worriers” that life will send our way.  I am sure you and I can both think of our own “worry list” in life that we can and should apply His instruction to.  Jesus then says that instead of focusing on the things that worry us or make us anxious, we should center our focus on God’s priorities (Matthew 6:33).  This coming Sunday, August 30, I plan to share a message I believe God has given me for our church that addresses ways we can guard our hearts and homes from the influencers and worriers in life and keep our hearts set on God’s perspective and priorities.  Please be intentional to join us in person or online.


As local schools have reopened for the educational development of children, I see it as vitally important for us to be actively engaged in the development of our children’s faith and biblical worldview.  This is something that happens both at home in conversation and lifestyle as well as in church.  On Sunday, August 23 we announced our desire to re-open the SCA Kids Ministries on Sunday, Sept. 13 and Wednesday, Sept. 16.  We are working with ABC Daycare (located in the SCA building) to develop procedures and guidelines that help minimize the spread of germs and ensure the safety of all involved.  The first phase of reopening SCA Kids Ministries will include the ages 4-PreK class and the K-5th grade class.  As more volunteers are willing to serve, we will continue to reopen more classes.  This is an area in which we need more volunteers, and I ask that you prayerfully consider serving. 


Our in-person gatherings have resumed on Sundays at 10 AM and Wednesdays at 6 PM.  We continue to ask individuals to wear a mask in the building when not at their seat, and to practice social distancing in seating and conversing.  I realize that some have genuine health concerns, such as compromised immune systems, and joining us in-person is not the wisest decision at this time.  However, I am concerned that many have found it to be more convenient to participate in service online rather than in-person.  As followers of Christ there is a dynamic to our faith that only grows properly as we are actively involved with other believers in worshipping and serving God together.  If you have not already done so, please prayerfully consider developing a timeline as to when you will re-engage in the in-person gatherings.  To summarize: SCA needs you, and you need SCA!


Our world changes daily but as Christ followers we keep our perspective and actions set on a kingdom that is not of this world and in the unchanging reality of who God is.  Trisa and I, along with the entire leadership team, love you, we are praying for you, and we look forward to seeing you soon.


“But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness…”

Matthew 6:33a



Onward Christian Soldiers,

Pastor Steve Silliman

Thursday, July 16, 2020


Dear SCA Family and Friends,


Psalm 23 is among my favorite of the Psalms.  I love the opening of verse one, which sets the tone for both the Psalm and my perspective.  “The Lord IS…”. Three simple words that can flood our hearts and our perspectives with hope and courage.  It’s a short and powerful reminder that in spite of what this world produces, what does or does not happen, who lets us down, or what struggles we face - the eternal, standing truth will still be that GOD STILL IS.  The Psalmist goes on to declare some of the ways God cares for us and “still is” in the midst of life’s challenges.  He is my shepherd, He leads me, He guides me, He provides for me, He refreshes me, He renews me, He comforts me, He prepares for me, He anoints me, and He overcomes my life with His goodness, His love, and His faithfulness.  There is not one part of life and its challenges or surprises that changes the reality that GOD STILL IS.  This is a truth that extends far beyond the current world crisis of COVID-19.  This is a truth that is intended to reach into the depths of our souls and soak the deepest, the weariest, and the darkest parts of our lives with the love, care and faithfulness of our Savior.


Yesterday Governor Wolf announced new guidelines for the state of Pennsylvania in response to the ongoing COVID-19 outbreak.  Included in his announcement was the restriction of gatherings to groups of no more than 25.  From the very beginning of the US outbreak, both local and state leadership have declared that churches are both essential and exempt from government guidelines and restrictions.  Their only request was for churches to be wise in how we go about ministering to our congregations.


Here at SCA we have been very intentional to use care and caution in our re-gathering process.  Just last week we added the guideline for individuals to wear masks when not at their seats in the sanctuary.  With this in mind and the continued care we give towards minimizing the spread of germs, we have decided to continue offering our in person service along with the live-stream each Sunday.  Additionally, we have resumed our mid-week gatherings at 6 PM. 


For the remaining Wednesdays in July and August, we have planned several outdoor connection opportunities.  Most of these will take place on the upper athletic field (behind the church).  We have also planned two more times of prayer and worship (Wednesdays, July 29 and August 26 @ 6 PM) outside of the Municipal Building downtown.  These times of worship and prayer are great opportunities to pray for our nation, our community and our local police department.  All of these events and their details will be communicated via text, email, bulletin and Facebook.  I hope you and your loved ones will be intentional to join us for these.


Remember, our world and the guidelines on how we go about life as we know it may change from day-to-day, but as followers of Christ we keep our outlook and our actions anchored in the reality of who God is.


“Surely your goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.”

Psalm 23:6



Onward Christian Soldiers,

Pastor Steve Silliman

Thursday, July 9, 2020

Dear SCA Family and Friends,

This coming Sunday marks one month since we resumed our in person services. While I’m grateful for those attending in person, we are all one family, whether worshipping in person or worshipping online.

When we first resumed our in person gatherings, I shared with you some guidelines we put in place that are intended to help minimize the possibility of spreading germs and maximize our efforts in care for one another. These include things like social distancing, spacing between family groups, refraining from hugs and handshakes, and the frequent utilization of the many sanitation stations located throughout the building. Included in those guidelines was the optional use of masks. As the leadership team and I continue to pray for wisdom, guidance and protection for the SCA family, we feel it is necessary to adjust the optional use of masks.

Starting this Sunday, July 12, we ask that all who attend in person wear a mask to and from their seats in the sanctuary. Once seated you are free to remove your mask and participate in the service as you normally would. At the conclusion of service we ask that you again wear your mask while moving outside to continue visiting and connecting with the SCA family. We don’t plan to “police” people with this guideline or turn individuals away who are not wearing a mask. We have disposable masks available at the Welcome Center should you forget yours at home. Currently we’re asking you to follow this guideline for the remaining Sundays in July and we will then re-evaluate any necessary changes or updates and communicate those with you. These updated guidelines will also be used by the SCA Youth ministry in their weekly gatherings on Wednesdays.

Additionally, we continue to use extra care to ensure our facility is properly cleaned and sanitized before and after each of our gatherings. If you are returning from out of town, I would encourage you to review the CDC recommendations for where you have traveled. As you have heard repeatedly, wash your hands with soap frequently, especially after contact with others and after sneezing or coughing. If you are feeling ill, it is advisable to stay home and receive the proper care. These are each small but significant steps we can each take in our care for others and ourselves.

As we continue our journey together in these unique times, I want to end by reminding you of what I wrote in my first letter to you, dated Thursday, March 12, 2020:

“I would encourage you to think as a follower of Christ with regard to all of the information you hear. Psalm 91 reminds us of God’s constant care and the peace He gives as we allow our hearts and minds to be at rest and trust Him in all situations. This means we make decisions based on faith, not fear. Decisions based on faith are still wise, not reckless; they are still thought out, not careless. However, the basis of how we approach life is faith in a God who is bigger and greater than all that we face. This current situation gives us as followers of Jesus a great opportunity to let Jesus shine into our world that most often lives by anxious fear.”

Shine Jesus shine… through me, through your church, in our community, and in our world.

With Love,
Pastor Steve Silliman

Thursday, June 4, 2020

Dear SCA family and friends,

If you joined us for our live-stream service this past Sunday, you would have heard the exciting announcement that we plan to resume our physical gatherings on Sunday, June 14! Trisa and I look forward to that Sunday as we come together (in the same room!) and worship Jesus as one. Keep in mind, the live-stream service will continue as well. This has become a very effective ministry tool we intend to keep offering. I know some will want to continue worshipping with us via live-stream for a season rather than joining us in person - that is okay! Whether you’re watching online or worshipping with us in person, we are still the body of Christ.

As we all prepare for Sunday, June 14, let me remind you of a few things I mentioned this past Sunday. We will have signage with significant details for all of us as gentle but important reminders regarding sanitization, distancing, and masks (optional). I encourage you to remember that everyone is in a different place when it comes to being back in public, the relaxing of social distancing, and protective guidelines. It is so important that everyone feels welcome and at home when coming back through the SCA doors. That means we must all move with abundant grace and patience. As Romans 14:7 reminds us, we don’t live for our lives alone, we need to be considerate and gracious towards others (my paraphrase).

In these first few weeks back, we will not be offering the SCA Kids ministries. Parents, I realize it can be challenging to have your children with you in service and we want you to not worry if your child gets fidgety or you feel the need to step out of service with your child for a few laps around the halls. The service can be heard over the hallway speakers so you can still listen in. The excellent resources and lesson material that Pastor Melissa and her leaders put out each week to parents will still be available. If you haven’t yet gotten these, please communicate with her to get on the mailing list.

For now, I’m encouraging you to continue the mid-week time of prayer (Wednesdays, 7-8 PM) from home. Feel free to invite others over to join you! Starting Wednesday, July 8, we will begin some family style gatherings that will enable the SCA family time to connect, visit and pray together. Watch for more details as the date gets closer! 

I ask you to continue to pray that the elders, pastors and I all have wisdom in planning out the final details of these first few weeks back together. We look forward to seeing you in person soon! Until then, may “The LORD bless you and keep you; the LORD make his face shine on you and be gracious to you; the LORD turn his face towards you and give you peace.” Numbers 6:24-26

Many Blessings,

Pastor Steve

Saturday, May 23, 2020

Dear SCA Family,


By now most of you have heard the President’s announcement regarding places of worship being considered essential and receiving permission to open.  Additionally, it was announced yesterday that Centre County will move to the green phase of reopening on Friday, June 5.


From the very beginning of the US outbreak, both local and state leadership have declared that churches are considered essential, but to be wise in how we go about ministering to our congregations.  I also know that in past weeks, both at the beginning of the US outbreak and as recent as last week, religious gatherings have become spread points for the virus.  My desire through all of this, not just this season with COVID-19 but also every season, is to move with wisdom, be Christ like, and honor those above us as leaders, and those around us as neighbors and friends.


In the past some have asked me how we as Christians put into practice the promise of God in Psalm 91:3 that says, “…he will save you…from the deadly pestilence.”  Their question is asked in sincerity, wanting to live out faith in God’s provision and protection, but also with a desire to be wise in what they do.  My answer has been to direct them to Psalm 91:13 that says, “You will tread on the lion…” and then tell them I doubt any of us would rush to the zoo with our families if we knew the lions were loose. God gives us both promise of protection as well as wisdom to use, and He intends for us to use both.


I know not everyone will agree with this, but we’re not planning to start physical gatherings this weekend.  There are a lot of things to consider and the elders, pastors and I have been and continue to pray, talk, plan, and then pray some more. We have already started working on a re-gathering plan and a potential timeline of what that could look like.  My hope is to give you a more defined date in the next week or so as to when we will physically gather again, as well as some different things to expect in those first few weeks back.  It is our hope and desire to have services resume in the very near future.


For now, if you’ve been thinking the church is closed, I encourage you to change your perspective. Our method has been different for a season, but the Church and its mission move forward.  You are the Church.  I am the Church.  Let’s let His Spirit fill us and guide us as together we seek to lift Jesus up in the State College Area and beyond.


Trisa and I, along with the leadership team, look forward to our re-gather date with great anticipation!



Pastor Steve

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Dear SCA Family,

By now, you’ve most likely heard that Governor Wolf has announced for portions of Pennsylvania to reopen, beginning this Friday, May 8. While Centre County is included in the counties of Pennsylvania that can move out of the stay-at-home order, there are certain guidelines he has given to continue to reduce the spread of COVID-19. Among those guidelines is a limitation on large group gatherings. While we do look forward to the day we can meet again as a church family, we realize the current guidelines do not yet allow us to safely gather as we normally would for services on Sunday or Wednesday.

Until that day comes, we do plan to continue offering all of the online services and resources that are available through the church Facebook page. Remember, you can access the church Facebook page even if you do not have a Facebook account. Please visit the church website ( for a full schedule of all the weekly postings.

Beginning on Monday, May 11, the church office will again be open. I am also working with the leaders to create opportunities for us as a church family to periodically pray together, while maintaining the recommended social distancing guidelines. I will announce the dates and details of these opportunities during our Sunday morning live stream and mid week video update.

While we continue to wait and look forward to our day of re gathering, please continue to pray from your homes on Wednesdays from 7-8 PM. Use this time to call out to God for the healing our land and for Him to send revival to our nation.

Recently I have been reminded of Paul’s words in Romans 8:18, where he writes, “I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us.” Elsewhere he calls our current struggles “light and momentary” (2 Cor. 4:17). It’s very easy to get focused on our current situation and forget that it is light, momentary, and not even worth comparing to the glory and work that God is bringing about through it. As I have said before, these are interesting times! But let’s continue to keep our eyes and hearts focused heavenward, looking for ways we can each let Jesus shine through us in this current season.

Trisa and I, along with the entire SCA leadership team, love you, we’re praying for you, and we look forward to gathering with you again soon.

Many Blessings,
Pastor Steve

Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Dear SCA Family,

As we continue to operate within the guidelines for our community in regards to the COVID-19 concerns, my hope was to resume our Sunday gatherings by Sunday, April 5. However, due to the current restrictions and recommendations, we are unable to restart our regular schedule of services on that date. Until a date is determined for us to gather publicly again, please be intentional to tune in to the following weekly opportunities. All of these are available through either the church Facebook page or the respective ministries Facebook pages:

Sunday 10 am - Livestream of service | SCA FB page

Tuesday 9 am - SCA Kids lessons | SCA Kids FB group

Wednesday Connections:

  • 9 am - Video update/prayer focus | SCA FB page
  • 10 am - SCA Youth devotional | SCA Youth FB pageIGTV
  • 6 pm - Worship session | SCA FB page
  • 7 pm - All church prayer & communion time | individual homes
  • 8 pm - Chi Alpha Zoom gathering | access code emailed weekly

Thursday 9 am - SCA Kids devotional | SCA Kids FB page

If you are unable to connect online, please communicate with the church office through email ( or leave a message at the church office (814.238.3800), and one of the staff will contact you. Additionally, if you have any needs that you’re unable to meet (ex. groceries, RX refill), or anything we can join you in praying for, please let the church office know.

These are interesting times, but they are also times in which Jesus can shine brightly through His church! As I mentioned on Sunday, March 15, as followers of Jesus, we choose: faith over fear, prayer over panic and hope over hopelessness.

Trisa and I, along with the entire SCA ministry team and staff, love you, we’re praying for you, and we look forward to gathering with you again soon.

Until then, may “The LORD bless you and keep you; the LORD make his face shine on you and be gracious to you; the LORD turn his face towards you and give you peace.” Numbers 6:24-26

Many Blessings,

Pastor Steve

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Pastor Steve and Trisa released a video update on Facebook where they discussed how we as Christians may reach out to our world during this time. Click the link to listen.

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Pastor Steve released a video update on Facebook detailing things here at the church as well as a call to prayer on Wednesday nights from 7-8pm. Click the link to listen.

Saturday, March 14, 2020

Dear SCA family and friends,


After my previous communication with you this past Thursday regarding our current plans for service, Governor Tom Wolf issued a statement suggesting large gatherings of 250 people or more be postponed or canceled.  Additionally he asked religious leaders to use discretion to limit the spread of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) in their congregations and communities.


I realize that State College is a global community.  With this weekend being the time that most travel home from spring break, the Elders and I believe it is in the best interest of our church family and community to heed our governor’s advice and not have our services on Sundays and Wednesdays as we normally do. We will still have service, but it will look slightly different for at least the next three Sundays.  We look forward to physically gathering with you again on Sunday, April 5, unless otherwise notified.


Starting tomorrow morning (March 15) at 10 AM, there will be a livestream on the church Facebook page ( The livestream will be the first thing that comes up on the page as you scroll down.  This can be accessed live even if you do not have a Facebook account and will be accessible after it is over through the media tab on the website.  The livestream will include a complete time of worship led by Pastor Melvin and the worship team, and I plan to speak as I normally would on a Sunday morning.  I strongly encourage you to join us by turning on the service and having those in your home join us as we worship and focus on God together.   Don’t sit and treat the live stream as a show or entertainment, but actively engage in worship as you would if you were in the SCA sanctuary. 


Parents, this is a great opportunity to lead your kids in learning who God is apart from just a church service.  Remind them that we are still worshipping as a church family.  Use this time to invest in the faith and biblical worldview of your children and teens. For those with children in the SCA Kids ministry, during this period of not publicly gathering, Pastor Melissa will email out curriculum each Monday for you to use with your children at home.  Please take time to do the lessons with your kids.


Currently the church office will still be open, so feel free to call (814.238.3800) with questions or for prayer.


Finally, above all things, remember to “not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.  And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”  (Philippians 4:6-7)


Many Blessings,

Pastor Steve and the Leadership Team

Thursday, March 12, 2020

Dear SCA family and friends,


Like you, we are trying to stay informed about the latest developments and impact of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak, including how it affects our local community and family of faith.  We will do our best to communicate with you about decisions we make that impact the SCA family.


First, I would encourage you to think as a follower of Christ with regard to all of the information you hear.  Psalm 91 reminds us of God’s constant care and the peace He gives as we allow our hearts and minds to be at rest and trust Him in all situations.  This means we make decisions based on faith, not fear.  Decisions based on faith are still wise, not reckless; they are still thought out, not careless.  However, the basis of how we approach life is faith in a God who is bigger and greater than all that we face.  This current situation gives us as followers of Jesus a great opportunity to let Jesus shine into our world that most often lives by anxious fear.


I ask you to pray for the global family of believers.  The SCA family is a global community with many different nations represented each time we gather.  Please take time to pray, not just for your immediate family, but also for our faith family. With Penn State University moving classes to online, some of our students will not be back to State College for a season.  Pray for provision, wisdom, peace, and protection for all who have been impacted. If you have family members being affected by the Coronavirus, please let us know at the SCA church office so we can join you in praying for them.


As this relates to our weekly gatherings, we will continue to assess things and make decisions as needed.  For the time being, we currently plan to have our regular Sunday and Wednesday gatherings.  If we reach a point in where we feel gathering is no longer the wisest option, we will communicate this with you through all of our regular channels (ex. Facebook, website, text/email blast).  Now would be a great time for you to make sure all of your contact information is up to date in the Elexio database.  This can happen by accessing your information directly or contacting the church office.


Additionally, we are giving extra care to ensure our facility is properly cleaned and sanitized before and after each of our gatherings.  As you have probably heard repeatedly by now, wash your hands with soap frequently, especially after contact with others and after sneezing or coughing.  If you are returning from out of town, I would encourage you to review the CDC recommendations for where you have traveled.  When we do gather we should minimize physical contact, which includes hugging and handshakes. If you are ill it is advisable to stay home and receive the proper care.  We can all do our part in being responsible.


Should we reach a point where we need to postpone a gathering, we intend to offer an online gathering that will include worship, the message, and the other key details you would find in one of our Sunday morning services.  Should that happen, we will communicate “how to” instructions at a later date.    Many of you already give online through the Elexio app or through recurring giving on the church website.  If you haven’t, you can easily access that at any time or use regular mail as well.  If you’re currently unable to join us for services, remember each week we post the message video and audio podcast on the church website under the tab labeled “media.”


We are doing our best to stay up to date and will continue to have conversations with those in the medical community for advice and input.  But most importantly, we pray, seek the Holy Spirit’s guidance, and look for His wisdom and peace in all situations.


Many Blessings,

Pastor Steve and the Leadership Team