Tech Team Vision, Qualifications and Expectations


The SCA Tech Team exists to create an atmosphere of worship with the primary focus of exalting the name of Jesus through technical abilities. Our desire is to lead the Congregation to a deeper encounter with God through technical excellence, creativity and passion. Above all, we desire that Jesus would be exalted and glorified through everything we do.


Committed Attender of SCA - The team member is to be a regular attender in worship and actively support the leadership and mission of State College Assembly.

Spiritual Growth - The team member is to be a mature Christian, knowing that everyone involved in the worship/tech ministry is seen by the congregation as a leader.

      Colossians 1:9-10

      Colossians 2:6-7

      Ephesians 4:13-15

      Ephesians 4:22-24

      Romans 15:1-2

Talents and Skills - Although we recognize the importance of a pure heart, the tech volunteer needs to have enough technical skill because we want to be the best that we can be in order to appropriately honor and worship God.

Family Support - It is important that our immediate family members are supportive and willing to accept the necessary time commitments for our Thursday evening rehearsal and Sunday morning rehearsal.


Probationary Period - New team members are required to join the worship team for three rehearsals before serving at a Sunday worship service in order to learn the equipment, software, tech routines, most importantly, build a relationship with the team members.

Worship Rehearsal - All scheduled team members are required to attend the weekly rehearsal on Thursday at 6:30 PM and worship services, being punctual and faithful in their attendance. Sunday rehearsal takes place at 8:00am.

Communication/Tech The team member is responsible for installing the Planning Center App and also learning the application in order to accept services/practices requests. If a team member is unable to make it for a practice or Sunday morning worship service, they must give the worship pastor sufficient notice so that any necessary adjustments can be made or substitute can be found.

Personal Worship Time - We expect a personal relationship with Jesus Christ that is consistent and growing through prayers, Bible study, and fellowship with other believers. We seek to model the life of a growing believer for those we help lead in worship.

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